Here are some cool stuff that could be helpful

Network protocols

Protocols are all around you, I’ve been trying to grasp why we use them since I’ve started programming. I’m still not 100% sure why do we need them, and so much of them, but I guess we do.

Brief introductory article for most important network protocols

You can run and you can hide… But…you’ll eventually use some protocol. It’s somewhat proffesional to know why you should use it.

Most important protocols are (e.g. I’ve worked most with them) :

  • TCP
  • UDP
  • HTTP

Awesome guide for network socket programming can be found here.


So, sometimes you have to write code that does two things at once. And that can be really painful. Especially if you’re C++ noob as me and don’t have an idea how to do that. Well this book is quite helpful as it contains just right amount of theory as well as practical examples to do it just fine by yourself.

C++ Concurrency in action

ROS stuff

Pretty cool cheat-sheet for ROS: ROS Cheat-sheet

The Robotics Knowledgebase exists to advance knowledge in the robotics discipline: Robotics knowledge base


Cool repostiory that contains multiple ROS implementations of nerual networks (mostly vision). ROS-NCNN

Ros Spinning, Threading, Queueing

One of the main facilities that ROS provides is the publisher-subscriber communication² that is used for message-passing between components. While it is easy to implement the publisher-subscriber, it is not obvious what is going on underneath it and how we can tailor it to our specific problems in practice. In this post, there’s talk about the mechanisms behind the publisher-subscriber in ROS such as its execution model, threading, queuing mechanism.

ROS Spinning, Threading, Queueing

ROS Determinism

ROS control

ROS Control combines a set of packages that include controller interfaces, controller managers, transmissions and hardware_interfaces.
The ROS control framework is used to implement and manage robot controllers for real robots and in simulation within gazebo.

ROS control


Incorporating the latest advances in motion planning, manipulation, 3D perception, kinematics, control and navigation

MoveIt Concepts

Computer Vision

Awesome lectures by Joseph Redmon (creator of YOLO neural network).

Ancient Secrets of Computer Vision

Tech blogs

Cool blogs with vast amount of useful informations:

vsupalov blog

andrey karpathy blog




NVIDIA Isaac platform for robotics

I’ll eventually add more stuff as I come by it :)


Awesome resources for learning Python


Learn ROS from scratch

Ros control and hardware interfaces
