Vim tutorial and commands

Vim is a text editor that has 3 most important modes of work:

  • normal –> default; for simple navigation and editing
  • insert –> for explicitly modyfing and editing text
  • command line –> for saving and editing text

Main benefits of the VIM command line editor are:

  • fast navigating
  • convenient file editing
  • automatic code highlighting
  • lightweight

How to install vim?

sudo apt-get install vim

How to create and open file with vim?

vim <file_name>



And you will enter simple script with python code highlighting.

How to change between different modes in vim?

Esc switches to normal mode.

i switches to edit mode.

: switches to command line mode.

If you want to go on certain line number, which is very important when you’re programming, enter command line mode and go on wanted line. So for example if you want to go on line number 7 you will type in following:


and press Enter. You should be on line 7.

If you want to go on a last line type in following:


Besides from navigating with line numbers, it’s possible to use hjkl letters as arrows.

** To move the cursor, press the h,j,k,l keys as indicated. **
             k              Hint:  The h key is at the left and moves left.
       < h       l >               The l key is at the right and moves right.
             j                     The j key looks like a down arrow.

(taken from vimtutor)

Basic and most important vim commands

In order to exit file without saving it enter command line mode and type in:


and press Enter.

or you can type in ZQ.

In order to exit and save file, enter command line mode and type in:


and press ‘Enter’.

Text editing

You can edit text even when not in insert mode.

If you want to delete whole line of text, in normal mode just type dd fast enough and whole line where the cursor is placed should be deleted.

If you want to undo last command, just type u.

If you want to copy a line type in yy fast enough and whole line where cursor is placed will be copied.

If you want to paste copied stuff, press p and stuff will be pasted after the cursor.

vimtutor cmd

If you want to see all the posibilities of vim and official tutorial, type in following command: vimtutor

Approximated time to complete vimtutor is 25-30 minutes and should be enough for you to start using vim for programming.

Most of the information presented here is taken from: